M9 Hosting

M9 Hosting Plans and Packages
Website Hosting is an integral part of your website. At M9, we offer professional and solid hosting platform with our dedicated servers. Business hosting and basic hosting begins around $20 a month and goes up from there based on your site requirements. With our higher end hosting we offer cpanel access so you can manage your own email accounts and other essential features of your account.

Business Grade Professional Hosting ServiceThere is a difference between Domains hosting and website hosting. Domain hosting is a yearly fee to have a domain name, (ie: m9corp.com). This is always hosted by a 3rd party company and all we do is manage the renewals for you.

Website Hosting is where your website and it's resource files preside on the internet. It is basically a computer, or better known as a server, that has a secure file structure and is the physical address of your site.

Even if we have not built your site or you are simply looking for a new hosting and website provider, we can be of assistance.

Here is what we offer:

Basic Managed Hosting
Hosting packages are created with a 1 year contract and gets you a dedicated server with only M9 Customers. With no reseller packages, means you get more reliability. We offer phone support, 1 email address and webmail access for this package.

Business Managed Hosting
Business Managed Hosting is a higher tier of hosting package. You get all the same as the basic with some additional features and services. You will get an additional 5 email account, server backup, and service once per month. We also provide management of domains and e-mail training on site.

Email Hosting

A valuable service of this package is the website updates. These updates are included at no extra coststhroughout the year. This inclusive package provides a great deal of value to keep and maintain a website that is up to date.

Give us a call at 204.228.2435 or Request a Quote from us. We are a full service website design and development company, with after sales content management and SEO (Search engine Optimization) Services as well as professional, managed business grade hosting on our dedicated servers.

We want to hear from you so please get in contact with us today. We can resolve or solve your website, marketing or hosting problems.
By roger October 18, 2021
We have been in business doing website for the past 10 years, and the one thing that I have learned is that in the internet world, and specifically website technology does not sit still. From how your website is structured to the content and presentation of information on your site, Google and other search engines are constantly modifying how they find your site and how they rank your site. So how does your site measure up? Don't know, well do not feel bad, it does not happen automatically, and many website builders do a great job producing a website for you, but fail on the follow through of doing the legwork to keep the site up to date. Here some basic rules to help out. 1. Updating Keep your site up to date, dates and other things can date a site quickly. 2. Review and Checking Take some time out of your day, go through all the pages of your site, you may be surprised in the small things you find and get them fixed. 3. Dead Links No dead links, if you have outside links to other site, check them. 4. Google Analytic's Get Google Analytic's onto your site, even if you do not look at them, when you decide to take action on your site you will have a history to work from. 5. Partner Consider a web company a partner in your business, pick one that is responsive and has the focus to not only build your site, but provides hosting, content and Search Engine Optimization after sales support. Overall your site is your 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year representation of your business, any spelling errors, out of date information, expired promotions, lack of maintenance or updates will negatively impact both your ranking on search as well as be a negative influence on your customers visiting your site. These are just a few areas we look at for a site and offer a wide variety of services for both new sites as well as getting older sites either fixed up or redone to best suit your company needs.
By roger October 18, 2021
After 2000 the web industry at that time was filled with companies with pie-in-the-sky concepts, very little backing a lot of money and industry once the.com bubble burst there was a realization that quick and easy money on the Internet was not as quick as easy as people thought! The old adage build it and they will come was the downfall of many companies and a lot of investment companies lost a lot of money because of that philosophy. The Last 13 Years What I find fascinating in 13 years of business that M9 Corporation has been in operation in the changing face of the industry shortly after the .com bubble busrt there was this surge from businesses to return to more traditional forms of marketing such as brochures, billboards, business cards of course. With most opinions about websites being that, I'll build a brochure website but I'm not going to invest a lot of money into it. The first three years of business websites that were constructed were constructed with the purpose of being a supporting structure towards a simple tool of their business additional information or simply you did not look professional unless you had a website.. As people became more comfortable with websites, there became a fundamental realization that a website can be used to be a tool for business far beyond simple brochure. Such as managing documents or managing systems or policies etc. The next three or four years of business there was a general growth and people using the website as utility to support systems within their business as well as developing systems that allow them to maximize productivity. In the past three or four years there's been a surge of companies offering do-it-yourself or DYI type website templates that allow the end-user to produce their own website for very small if not minor cost per month basis. Though this has been a challenge for most web companies including ours coping with the the common question, why should I pay you $2000 when I can do this for 200? This level of competition only caters to a specific customer demographic who are well motivated to do there on website and have the technical skills to see it through. In the past couple years there's also being an increased amount of people capable of offering and producing websites many of which use some of these online resources to build simple websites and charge larger amounts of money, in order to maximize their profitability. How M9 Corporation is different, is that we still construct our websites with our own internal proprietary software as well as provide superior customer service and market evaluation upon meeting and creating a website. We commit ourselves to actually getting our websites to perform the way was intended but we also can construct utilities within that website that can maximize your productivity within your business and your employees. In conclusion the stroll down memory lane related to the web industry and the different stages of its evolution, brings me to the future and today we're we as a company has survived, flourished and overcome many challenges to the different forms of competition and threats to our business. M9 Corporation is not only a company that innovates and changes with the times we also have the foundation of good solid business sense and model that allow us to continue to support create and build websites at will do exactly what they intend to do for a reasonable price. M9 Corporation is well placed to continue to not only construct websites of sound principle but we are striving ahead to provide services that give you the customer the ability to drive traffic to your website through online search engines such as Google Search. With sound business practices and commonsense approach to websites and industry give you the customer the greatest advantage over your competition.
By roger October 18, 2021
Google search is actually a very simple concept that a large majority of people don't really understand how it works. When you type in your keyword phrase to find what you are looking for on the Internet. You type in a keyword phrase into the Google search field, who will goes to work accessing a very large and very extensive database of keyword phrases in terms through our the internet. How Google works Google spends a large amount of time developing what I like to call artificial inteligence, this intelligence is in a form of a Google bot that roams the Internet finding websites, combing through them and reporting the content that it finds there back to a central Google database. This content becomes the basis of that database and through an extensive algorithm Google assesses websites legitimacy and relevance is an actual functional website for real business service or product that you possibly might be looking for. The example To give you an example of a website phrase and the variation on that phrase we will work with the word phrase Winnipeg web design , this word phrase has three distinct words that Google will primary look for within a websites content that it crawls. Now based off of the overall content on all pages the website and how it relates to this word phrase combination Google will put a weight on how important that word phrases according to website and then rank them. If a variation on a word phrase like Winnipeg website design occurs then Google will use partial wording to help find websites that are relevant for your search. Though Google seems to operate very quickly and very simply, the algorithm that controls the database is quite extensive, complicated and very robust. Google's primary focus is provide relevant results to your search inquiries so that the top 10-20 results you get are legitimate businesses, products or services that you are looking for. Google has achieved an amazing accuracy for its algorithm and and is very aggressive and ensuring that spamming sites, directory site and other sites that have no real relevance to your search term show up in your listing. So in conclusion, when you type in your search word phrase into the Google search field and you get your results within a few seconds, you have to understand the complex machine that occurs behind the scenes to ensure that you find what you're looking for and in the case of a business, you have to ensure you have the right content put into the right combination on your website with an effort to continually keep the content up-to-date adding new content and continuing keeping website growing. M9 web design can assist you in creating a website that will both be attractive to Google, will be developed with a firm understanding of how Google works, and after sales program that involves formula that is most attractive to the Google search through monthly updates to content and your website.
By roger October 18, 2021
I wanted to share with you a process we have developed over many years of work and service to hundreds of customer all across Canada and the US. This process allows us to have a predictable timetable, transparent and Set pricing, and completion dates within days of the proposed time. Website Design and Development Overall this area relates to how the site looks and functions. Now there is a lot more to designing and building a site than you may think. First the creation of the design will be done to match your current logo and marketing you are doing. If this effort needs assist in the creation of marketing material, images or even a logo, M9 web design can assist you in this regard as well. Logo Design and creation This service is unique to your company and needs, whether just starting out or you are looking to get a new logo after years of being in business M9 can help you achieve the look and feel you want. If your needs exceed our ability, we have several businesses and designers who can assist you. Website Design Website design is not like making a brochure or designing a logo. A website designer must have a fundamental understanding of your business as well as a solid understanding of website navigation and flow. A website design goes way beyond a simple layout, you must design it in mind to allow for web applications and navigational rules. M9 has designed and built hundreds of sites over the years, and we have adhered to a solid and simple methodology that has created sites that get to the point and get your customer to where you want them with as little confusion as possible. Website Development Once the site is designed, approved and signed off by you, we commence construction of the site based off a simple or complex flow chart we would have created for you as part of the planning stage of our services. During this process we acquire or write content, acquire or get photographs done and proceed to assemble the site and structure. During the building of your site we will provide you a hidden link to it so you can see our progress and give us guidance when we need it. This area will allow you to be part of the building process and ensures you are 100% satisfied with the site. Once final approval of this development site is done and signed off we will proceed to make it go live and attach it your domain name. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope it helps you understand our overall process.
By roger May 3, 2021
First let us define what organic search results are versus cost per click search results. Organic search results Organic search results is the natural algorithm that Google uses to evaluate and rank your site based off of relevancy and legitimacy. There are four things that Google looks for in your website this is a generalization and not an exhaustive list. Here they are: Website Structure Content and Keywords Updated with New content Back Linking Using Content, Site Structure, and updating said content monthly, you can SEO your website, or Search Engine Optimize it to maximize it to be as attractive to Google as possible. Unfortunately this can take months to move up your rankings. Google Paid Search Google paid search or CPC cost per click is an active keyword campaigns where you pay to advertise on the first page of Google. This process involves picking out keywords, paying anywhere from $0.50 to $10 per click or more for that keyword phrase; if somebody types that keyword phrase into Google you ad will show up. Though it is instantaneous, meaning you get to the first page of Google quickly it is only active as long as you're paying for it. Minimum budgets in order to have an effective campaign will start at $250 and up month. The fundamental difference between these two is organic is a natural way of optimizing your website be attractive to Google. Organic search results can be more interesting to the end consumer and for the majority is what people look for. Ads are often not considered when people are selecting what they want to click on in Google search. Google CPC or cost per click paid advertising normally occupies the very top of the Google search or the right-hand side. Unfortunately when people click on this they tend not to know what they're looking for. I state this because of the bounce rate on average we see from both these campaigns. Bounce Rate Bounce rate is the engagement of users on your website which you can find Google analytics. We have found through analyzing statistics and analytics that on average the bounce rate for organic search clicks normally is around 25% where a paid advertisement can be as high as 90% bounce rate. So if you had a choice between paying to have your website search engine optimized for SEO or paying for an advertisement through Google's paid search it seems obvious that paying for optimization and making your website attractive is a better option due to the better engagement of your customer base. Conversion Not only is the bounce rate lower for organic search results then paid prepaid click result we have also come to notice that people who come in through organic search results have a better engagement and conversion to make contact with companies and provide leads through contact forms or other means of contact. This is significant because it leads us to believe that organic search results are far more valuable form of traffic to your website then paying for a cpc campaign Organic search results unfortunately take time for Google to rank you in the top 10 or first page of Google and in the meantime paid search like Ad words for Google is an excellent option to get immediate presence on the main page until you can get your organic search results and your website into the first page of Google for the keyword phrases that you prefer. Which is Better? It's in our opinion that it is better for you to do a dual campaign and then wean yourself off of CPC or paid advertising once your website organic search results has enough presence to overtake you're paying advertising
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